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Advertising Rates for Positions and Events

Advertisements may placed on the CASC/ACSS website for $80.00 for one month or any part thereof. Each additional month is a cost of $30/month. Submissions must be in Word, WordPerfect or text file.

If you need assistance please contact

Other Types of Advertisement

  • Bookstores and magazine companies that sell spiritual care/pastoral care material
  • Computer programs that assist spiritual care/pastoral care providers in their work

A fee will be charged as determined by CASC/ACSS.

All Advertisers must…

Show sensitive regard for the differences of race, culture, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, age, spirituality and religion of other individuals and societies. They must also show sensitive regard for the physically and mentally challenged.

To advertise your job posting:

  1. Please purchase your ad (with optional extension) as per below.
  2. Email your  job posting document(s) to

A confirmation email will be sent to you once the ad goes live.

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